Children's Ministry
Sabraton Hill Baptist Church’s Children’s ministry recognizes the tremendous opportunity and responsibility to come alongside our parents and share the Gospel with our children of all ages. That being said, the curriculum that we utilize is called, 'Treasuring Christ,’ and it is used for all ages from birth through 5th grade. The stated goal of this curriculum being,
'…to strengthen children and families by teaching them/saturating them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ from Genesis to Revelation – to spread the Word of God by equipping godly generations to treasure Christ through Gospel-centered curriculum for the church and home…’
The curriculum runs on a four-year cycle with 52 lessons in each year. Currently at Sabraton Hill, we have three age and development-appropriate classrooms that meet downstairs each Sunday morning for 5th Grade and under.
In addition to our Sunday morning children’s discipleship programs, we also provide a Wednesday evening discipleship class for children that takes place during the adult Bible Study.
Current Wednesday Night Study
The kids will learn that Solomon’s wisdom, life, and failures all point to "something greater than Solomon"—they point to Jesus, from whom real wisdom comes. Each lesson deftly connects the moral truths of Proverbs with our need for gospel grace.
Curriculum: Walking with the Wise by Marty Machowski
Furthermore, throughout the year, there are several children’s ministry events that take place; including, but not limited to:
- a Gospel-Centered Easter Egg hunt
- our version of Vacation Bible School known as 'Backyard Bible Club’
- a Gospel-Centered Trunk or Treat
- a Christmas play
These events are aimed at all involved '…growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2Pet. 3:18)…’ as well as growing together in His oneness and unity through our serving alongside one another, '…striving side by side for the sake of the Gospel (Phil. 1:27)…’
Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Kelcy Andersen
Youth Group
Youth Group is an important piece of the Church body, and that is not different at Sabraton Hill Baptist Church. However, we do not want to make the Youth Group a single disconnected part of the Church. Our goal is to have Youth Group be a multi-generational connecting piece of our Church.
Our goal is to have Youth group meetings twice a month where the youth can connect to each other. During the time the Youth group is meeting and having their lesson, the parents of the teens will also be connecting and doing a study on their own. For the parents it will be a great time to hear from other parents that are going through the same thing. When the Youth group is meeting there will be members of the church that will come and provide meals and snacks. This will allow many different people of our church congregation to make good solid connections.
Youth Leadership Team
- Dan and Jess Hardesty
Youth Group Ages
- Grades 6-12
A Typical Youth Group Meeting
- Three times per month (Wednesdays at 7:00pm)
- Games / Activity
- Bible Lesson
- Take Home Challenge
- Prayer Requests